Roots Features
Roots is a unique state-of-the-art agricultural loan processing and PACS automation and management solution developed by VSoft to cover the entire functionality and operations of the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies. Roots has a unique interface with the Core Banking Solution (CBS) of the District Cooperative Central Bank (DCCB) to provide the farmer-members of the PACS a window into the payments environment and various service delivery channels, while at the same time providing an executive information system to the various higher tiers and stakeholders for monitoring, operational and policy support, to improve credit and services delivery at the grassroots level.

No Part Left Behind
Roots not only captures all the nuances of agriculture loan processing as practiced by the Banks but also automates many paper based processes right from the grassroots level so that the entire Cooperative Credit Structure benefits.
On the Cloud
Roots is a multi-tenant solution available both as a hosted cloud-based solution as well as on a licensed model. Enabled to run in any operating environment, Roots provides the freedom of choice when choosing your hardware.
No Expensive Price Tags
VSoft’s Roots solution is architected for high stability, availability and scalability as well as low capital and running expenses. Its real-time transactional capabilities and ease-of-use offer invaluable returns on investment.
Meets Regulatory Intricacies
With VSoft’s solution, long established banking regulations are not only complied with but importantly the time honoured pre-eminence of grassroots institutions as providers to millions of small and marginal farmers is rejuvenated.
Involves All the Stakeholders
The crop loans domain is multi-layered and multi-participant. Roots encompasses multiple schemes and encapsulates all the subtle variations of the crop loan and agricultural loan operations in their entirety relations.
Tailored to Agricultural Needs
The highly parameterized solution handles multiple crops with varied scales of finance, varied-seasons, loan periods, due dates, interest rates, penalties for default, multiple withdrawals and repayments.

Fewer Paper-Based Processes

A Govt. of India Supported Initiative

Especially Built for the Cooperative Credit Structure
Odisha State Co-operative Bank Undertakes State-wide Implementation of VSoft’s Wings CBS Platform and Roots to Reduce Manual Work and Gain Operational Efficiency
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